Save the date – STEW 2024

Save the date! 🗓
STEW 2024 by Swedsoft, powered by Volvo- November 14, 10am – 17pm
Volvo Penta Auditorium, Gothenburg, Sweden

The theme of STEW 2024 is “AI – Top Ten Topics for Swedish Industry”.
Together we will look into, and discuss multiple aspects of AI, being a new enabler in many dimensions.

Our speakers will address 4 topics – How can AI facilitate:
– Business
– Engineer
– Tools
– Product

You will be invited to participate in networking and discussion, and of course to contribute to a conclusion:
What are the most crucial AI topics to make Swedish industry continue to thrive.

We look forward to seeing you at STEW 2024, so make a note in your calendar as of today!


Save the date – STEW 2024

The theme of STEW 2024 is “AI – Top Ten Topics for Swedish Industry”. Together we will look into, and

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