New Chairman elected during Swedsoft annual meeting

On Swedsofts annual meeting we went through what happened in 2021, looked ahead and elected a new Chairman and board for the association.

This is a summary of the Swedish article

We are pleased to welcome Stefan Frank as a new Chairman for Swedsofts board. Stefan Frank is a co-owner at our member company Favro, Sr. Director for Manufacturing at Oracle and investor. We also welcome Tobias Strandh, Rebulify as a new board member.

The board of Swedsoft now consists of:

  • Stefan Frank, Favro – Chairman
  • Maria Stranne, SKF – vice chairman
  • Anna-Lena Strömsten, Scania
  • Frida Andersson, Teknikföretagen
  • Henrik Lönn, AB Volvo
  • Joakim Wernberg, Lunds universitet
  • Tobias Strandh, Republify


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