Last newsletter of 2019

An exciting year with many meetings and where we worked together to strengthen Swedish software development almost over. Now lets look forward, what is going on in the association?

In the newsletter we address upcoming events and workshops in 2020. In February, it is time for this year’s Gathering of Software Sweden and this time we give input to the government assignment on Digital Excellence (Digital Spetskompetens). We also reveal the theme of the seminar after the spring meeting 2020, at Scania in Södertälje, and present the dates (and the opportunity to get involved) in the STEW 2020 conference.

In addition to events, we welcome five new members who have joined since the last newsletter; Dataföreningen, Graviz Telescope, Ideon Science Park, Scania and Wikimedia Sweden.

As usual, we also end with some recommendations. The secretariat at Teknikföretagens Branschgrupper organize a trade day with Business Sweden and Kommerskollegium. In addition, Vinnova has a call for companies that want to start their AI journey.

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