XIOS/3 new member of Swedsoft

Today we welcome XIOS/3, a startup in Linköping with Swedish-developed technology from the team behind iCloud.

This is a short summary of the Swedish article.

We had the opportunity to talk with XIOS/3 about their service. They describe that with their technology it is possible to develop software as easily as a regular website. Through the tool they created many of the problems companies often face when it comes to developing user-friendly web applications are supposed to be eliminated, by simplifying and speeding up front end development. They say that on their platform they enable efficient development without trade-off between simplicity for developers and functionality for users.

“The software of the future will be built on top of a stable platform with a markup language adapted for real applications. It is the same way of thinking that led the development of websites to speed up the 90s with HTML. Thanks to XIOS/3, you can carry out your next software project without complicated frameworks, libraries or tons of home-made code. XIOS/3 is a game-changer for business software, for all companies” says Karl Hyltberg, Founder and CEO, XIOS/3.


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