New board elected during Swedsoft’s spring meeting

Last week, this year's spring meeting was held where we went through what happened in 2020, looked ahead and elected a new board for the association.

This year’s spring meeting, which was held digitally, started with a members’ meeting where chairman Richard Bunk and Swedsoft’s general secretary Gabriel Modéus presented what Swedsoft had done during the eventful past year, the finances from the service operations and a financial forecast for 2021. Then followed an annual meeting for the association where, among other things, the annual report was reviewed.

New board members

A very important part of the annual meeting was the election of the Board and the Nomination Committee. We are pleased to welcome two new members of the Board, namely Anna-Lena Strömsten, Scania CV AB and Joakim Wernberg, Lund University. Further introductions of the new board members will be presented shortly.

The board of Swedsoft now consists of:

  • Richard Bunk, Halmstad University – Chairman, Re-election
  • Maria Stranne, SKF – Re-election as board member / New election vice chairman
  • Frida Andersson, Teknikföretagen – Re-election
  • Henrik Lönn, Volvo AB – Re-election
  • Markus Borg, RISE – Re-election
  • Pelle Börjesson, Informator – Re-election
  • Joakim Wernberg, Lund University – New election
  • Anna-Lena Strömsten, Scania – New election

During the annual meeting, we also had the opportunity to thank Birgitta Lundvik, Favro and Aurore Belfrage for their great commitment in recent years.

“We would like to thank both Birgitta and Aurore for the great contribution they have made to Swedsoft and the board with all their commitment.” says Gabriel Modéus, Secretary General, and Richard Bunk, Chairman, together.

At the meeting, there was also a re-election of the Swedsoft Nomination Committee consisting of; Fredrik Paring, Cilbuper IT, as convener, Anders Bratland, Raion and Michael Mattsson, Blekinge Institute of Technology,

A big thank you to those who attended the meeting and to the resigning board members. We also want to give a warm welcome to our new board members. We would also like to thank all of you who are involved in Swedsoft, in various contexts – together we gather Swedish software!


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