Join us on November 15th in Stockholm at Teknikföretagen for a conference that focus on networking and discussions, not only with the speakers but also between the participants.
The speakers and topics for this year are:
- Metaverse and Digital Twins
Eric Prevost, Vice President Strategy Automotive & Manufacturing, Oracle - Software lifecycle at Spotify
Christina Tanase, Software Developer, Spotify - Internet of DevOps (IoDevOps)
Jeanette Almgren, Senior Configuration Manager, Syntell - Asset-centric product delivery: a growth mindset ensuring customer value and business agility
Luca Salemio, Chief Product Owner Enterprise, DCoE, SKF - Opportunities for building robust software supply chains
Benoit Baudry, Professor in Software Technology, KTH & Castor - Costs and benefits of continuous everything
Eriks Klotins, Assistant Senior Lecturer, Blekinge Institute of Technology - The Vision of Lifelong Computing
Danny Weyns, Professor, Linnaeus University and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Data-Driven Continuous Learning in DevOps
Adha Hrusto, Industrial Ph.D. Student, Lund University - Games as a Service
David King, Director of Technology, Electronic Arts (EA) - Sustainable leadership in a fast-moving environment
Erik Jivmark, CEO, Volvo Car Mobility - Thoughts for the dinner
Stefan Engeseth, Creative Futurist
STEW 2022 is arranged by Swedsoft together with our co-hosts; AB Volvo, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Favro, KTH, Linnaeus University, Malmö University, RISE, Scania, SKF, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening and Teknikföretagen.
For more information about STEW and this year’s program visit
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