It was with great joy Swedsoft and our co-host welcomed the participants to Stockholm and the eleventh STEW conference with this years theme – The release is not the end – mastering the software lifecycle. STEW has been organized since 2012 by Swedsoft to create exchange between industry, academia and public sector within software development and research.
The release is not the end – mastering the software lifecycle

During the day we had the chance to listen to presentations and engage in discussions around the theme The release is not the end – mastering the software lifecycle.
- Metaverse and Digital Twins
Eric Prevost, Vice President Strategy Automotive & Manufacturing, Oracle - Software lifecycle at Spotify
Christina Tanase, Software Developer, Spotify - Internet of DevOps (IoDevOps)
Jeanette Almgren, Senior Configuration Manager, Syntell - Asset-centric product delivery: a growth mindset ensuring customer value and business agility
Luca Salemio, Chief Product Owner Enterprise, DCoE, SKF - Opportunities for building robust software supply chains
Benoit Baudry, Professor in Software Technology, KTH & Castor - Costs and benefits of continuous everything
Eriks Klotins, Assistant Senior Lecturer, Blekinge Institute of Technology - The Vision of Lifelong Computing
Danny Weyns, Professor, Linnaeus University and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Data-Driven Continuous Learning in DevOps
Adha Hrusto, Industrial Ph.D. Student, Lund University - Games as a Service
David King, Director of Technology, Electronic Arts (EA) - The power of A.I. tech to drive sustainability, Steinar Danielsen Sustainability Lead, Volvo Car Mobility
- Thoughts for the dinner
Stefan Engeseth, Creative Futurist

Engaged participants and discussions
Besides inspiring presentations, the day also consisted of many discussions with engaged participants. As organizers we appreciated all contributions that sparked what STEW is all about – interaction, reflections, and networking!
STEW 2022 was arranged by Swedsoft together with our co-hosts; AB Volvo, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Favro, KTH, Linnaeus University, Malmö University, RISE, Scania, SKF, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening and Teknikföretagen.
Do you want to be a co-host in 2023? Please contact the secretariat for more information!