STEW last days to register_person writing code screens _ data for software development

STEW – last days to register

Next week it's time for the ninth annual Software Technology Exchange Workshop 2020. Do not miss the opportunity to take part in an interesting networking software conference.

Friday January 15th is the last day to register for STEW 2020, which will be organized on January 21st – 22nd 2021. At the digital networking software conference, you will be able to engage in discussions and listen to inspiring presentations around this year’s theme – Data for Software Development. One of our speakers this year is Markus Borg, Senior Researcher with RISE.

Hello Markus, can you tell us about your background?
I’m a Senior Researcher with RISE and member of the Swedsoft board since 2018. I’m also an adjunct lecturer at Lund University where I teach software engineering.

What will you talk about at STEW?
I’ll talk about our ongoing research on how to rethink software engineering when systems are increasingly trained on massive datasets instead of coded. I’ll introduce you to Adam’s concept of beauty in code and contrast with what would be needed for beauty in data. It turns out to be quite different.

Why do you think it is important to be a part of an event like STEW?
I’m a big fan of STEW! This will be the third time I give a talk at the event. I always get good comments on the technical content, and I get to meet interesting people. I’ll keep attending future STEWs!

Markus Borg gives an introduction to his presentation at STEW 2020 – From beauty in code to beauty in data

The conference also offers many opportunities for virtual discussions as well as workshops with all participants.  Besides interaction during the conference program you will also be able to sign up to participate in digital networking during lunch and coffee breaks.

You can find the whole program for STEW here

At STEW you will be able to both hear new research and build your network – we hope to see you next week!


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