STEW 2017 – program & registration

Today we are happy to present the main part of this year's program and to open the registration to Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW 2017.

The purpose of STEW is to encourage and promote cooperation between industry and academia, cooperation within industry, and cooperation with the public sector, to visualize research results and stimulate new cooperations in the area of software technology.

This year’s conference has a broad program of presentations from both industry and academia. In this years progam you can find subjects such as:

  • Artificial Intelligence in smart sustainable societies
  • What happens when offshore teams are on-boarded in complex evolving software-intensive products?
  • More Efficient Testing and a Higher Quality Software Product – How to Achieve Both?

The program, with abstracts, is available today at Opening and keynote speakers will soon be presented.

Registration is now open here.

Practical information

When: October 18-19 2017
Where: KTH Royal Institute of Technology, House D, Room D1, Lindstedtsvägen 17
Cost of attending:

  • Swedsoft members: 3000 SEK (excl 25% VAT)
  • Non-members: 5000 SEK (excl 25% VAT)

Register here – latest Oct 4th.


With reservation for changes.

Oct 18th

10:00 Registration and coffee

10:30 OPENING Speech, TBA

11:15 Moderated discussion

11:30 LUNCH

12:45 Software Technology for Self-Adaptive Systems, Professor Danny Weyns, Linnaeus University

13:20 Artificial Intelligence in smart sustainable societies, Associate Professor Anne Håkansson, KTH

13:55 Visual GUI Testing – From Academic Concept to Industrial Use, PhD Emil Alégroth, Blekinge Institute of Technology

14:30 COFFEE & Cake

15:15 What happens when offshore teams are on-boarded in complex evolving software-intensive products?, Professor Darja Smite, Blekinge Institute of Technology

15:50 Optimizing waste and opportunity losses in requirements decision making and increasing decision agility, Assistant Professor Krzysztof Wnuk, BTH

16:25-16:55 Panel Discussion

18:00 DINNER

Oct 19th

08:30 Coffee

09:15 Keynote Speech, TBA

10:05 Moderated discussion

10:15 COFFEE & Sandwich

11:00 More Efficient Testing and a Higher Quality Software Product – How to Achieve Both?, Researcher Sahar Tahvili, RISE SICS

11:35 Virtualized Embedded Systems for Testing and Development, Professor Karl Meinke, KTH

12:10 LUNCH

13:15 ”No More Bosses? From hierarchies towards empowerment in large-scale software development, Associate professor Helena Holmström Olsson, Malmö University

13:50 Panel Discussion

14:20 The Evolution of Continuous Experimentation in Software Product Development, PhD Researcher Aleksander Fabijan, Malmö University

14:55 COFFEE & Cake

15:30 Connected Energy – Securely collecting transformer data from secondary substations, Dr Emmanuel Frecon, RISE SICS

16:05 Modelware is the new software – Information system for managing a LARP event using a model driven platform, R&D Manager, Tomas Jonsson, Genicore AB

16:40-17:00 Panel Discussion

Full program with abstracts…


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