Swedsoft joins NESSI

Today we are happy to announce that Swedsoft was approved as a member of the European Technology Platform NESSI (the Networked Software and Services Initiative). Together we can do even more to strengthen the software industry across Europe.

NESSI is an industry-led organization working on the European level to promote “software, services, and data as key enablers to help resolve European societal and economic challenges across all sectors, both private and public, such as manufacturing, transportation, energy, and healthcare.” NESSI is recognized by the European Commission as a European Technology Platform (ETP).

“We look forward to the cooperation with NESSI and our joint ambition to create even better possibilities for the software industry. I firmly believe in collaboration of all sorts, and with this membership we can join forces on a European level. That may open up for initiating change on an international level as well as national.” says Niklas Lindhardt, chairman of Swedsoft.

Software development is of critical importance for Europe. In a recently released position paper on Horizon Europe, NESSI writes that “Software is having real impact on the economy, society and every individual. Currently, the software industry generates directly and indirectly more than 5% of the jobs in Europe and is contributing with 7.4% of the total European GDP”.

“We look forward to work with our new NESSI member Swedsoft on strengthening European research and innovation towards the next generation of software technologies” says Dr. Andreas Metzger, NESSI steering committee vice-chair for software engineering. “This next generation of software technologies will exploit emerging digital enablers, including ubiquitous connectivity, human centricity, hyper scalability and artificial intelligence.”


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