The networking conference Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW, is a yearly conference, organized since 2012 by Swedsoft to create exchange between industry, academia and public sector within software development and research. The emphasis is on two main areas; networking and knowledge exchange. At STEW we want to make research and project results visible and available to stimulate new cooperation in software technology.

Why participate?

  • We facilitate and promote dialogue through workshops and group discussions.
  • We endeavor to form groups with participants who are not acquainted with each other, in order to foster new networks and connections.
  • We organize multiple networking breaks throughout the event.
  • During the conference dinner, our aim is to seat you with individuals you are not familiar with, in order to encourage the establishment of new contacts.

Knowledge exchange:

  • The speakers include representatives from various segments of society.
  • We maintain a sizable working group that selects speakers capable of contributing their diverse perspectives.
  • We extend an invitation to anyone interested to submit suggestions regarding their potential presentations in a specific area.
  • We facilitate a dialogue about the presentations, allowing speakers to ask questions and engage in discussions with the audience. Similarly, the audience can interact with the speakers, and participants can connect with other members of the audience.

Preliminary Agenda

09:30 Registration and morning coffee
10:00 Welcome and intro
(Volvo, Swedsoft, GAIA)
10:10 How can AI Help Sweden

Dialogue presentation putting AI in context

11:00 #1 How can AI Help the business

Company level and business-related aspects on AI

11:45 Lunch
12:45 #2 How can AI Help the Engineer
Improving efficiency and quality of engineering activities 
13:30 #3 How can AI Help the Tools

AI assistance to engineering tools and automation

14:30 Coffee
15:00 #4 How can AI Help the Product

On-board AI processing

16:00 Closing remarks
What are the top 10 needs and relevant solutions for AI to better
Help the business
Help the engineer
Help the tool
Help the product
Summary of speaker messages and roundtable conclusions
16:30 Snacks and networking, Study Visit
