As AI systems become more common and expand their abilities, the decisions they made have a crucial and lasting impact
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Three universities & one course on digitalized production – Challenges and lessons learned
Three Swedish universities (namely Mälardalen University, University West, and Linneaus University) have formed a distinctive collaboration to develop a flexible
Artificial and human intelligence through learning: Why industry 4.0 needs a human-centric perspective
The manufacturing industry is currently under pressure to transform their organizations and competencies to reap the benefits of industry 4.0
AI for managers
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a powerful tool to solve problems in many fields of industry and society. It is
AI & Cyber Security
With the advances of modern technology, cybersecurity has become hard to provide and guarantee. AI can enhance cybersecurity, but also
Industrial Cybersecurity Threats and how to deal with them
Swedsoft invites you to our new webinar serie Software inspiration for professionals. During these webinars we want to give you
Swedsoft 2021
Before the holidays we would like to take this opportunity to summarize a year that, despite special circumstances, has been
STEW 2021 – a great tenth year celebration
It was with great joy Swedsoft and our co-host welcomed the participants to Lund and the tenth STEW conference. STEW
Lindholmen Software Development day 2021
This is a summary of the Swedish article. Lindholmen Software Development day 2021 was this year arranged as a hybrid
A conference for creating new cooperation and ideas
The conference program at STEW 2021 is filled with presentations where industry, academia and the public sector presents different perspectives