The International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE) 2018 ( is the most important conference in the area of software development and will take place in Gothenburg May 27 – June 3rd 2018.
ICSE 2018 is in particular focused on industrial challenges, which is reflected in special events such as:
- Technical Briefings, Short tutorials of latest trends in software engineering such as AI and new test methods
- Industry Forum, Meeting form for industry and academia participants with highly-relevant talks, and known researches like Jan Bosch from Chalmers, Danica Kragic from KTH, panel with participants from Facebook, Microsoft, Google.
- Software Engineering in Practice Track, Industry-related new methods, tools, processes
- 30 ICSE workshops specialized in different area.
- 2001: A Space Odyssey Symposium – 50 years celebration of the movie, and a discussion about Hal computer and its intelligence vs. computers and AI today
ICSE 2018 is also celebrating 50 years of Software Engineering, and celebrities from Software engineering will reflect about past and future of software. Some invited speakers are Margaret Hamilton (a lego icon!) who introduced software at NASA in the Apollo program, where software for the first time had a role of preserving safety in the missions, and Fred Brooks, a famous author of the book “The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering”. We expect between 1200 and 1500 participants, about one third are PhD students, many of them interested to continue their career in industry, and about 25% experts from industry.
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