Sweden – Finland ITEA pre-Project Outline Days meeting for identifying project outline ideas to present at the ITEA PO Days, Paris 13-14 September 2016.
The aim of this meeting is to encourage Swedish organisations to engage in ITEA and team up for the European ITEA project outline meeting in September. Vinnova hopes to increase Swedish participation in the programme, possibly in cooperation with Finnish partners through Tekes.
Registration – by the latest May 25
please register here: http://softadminpublish.vinnova.se/publish/softadmin.aspx?id=1&EmailTemplateID=1329
More information
- More information about ITEA can be found here: https://itea3.org/
- Vinnova is promoting a traveling grant for applicants:
Norra Latin, Drottninggatan 71B, Stockholm: http://www.stoccc.se/en/contact/getting-here/
13.00: Welcome, ITEA introduction, call procedure and PO Days info
Jonas Bjarne, Vinnova, and Tekes, Finland
13.20: Finnish ITEA funding rules and decision process
13.30: Swedish ITEA funding rules and decision process: Karin Aase, Vinnova
13.40: Project idea pitches (All in plenum)
– present project ideas in max 5 min (‘elevator pitch’)
– check interest and identify possible clustering of project ideas
14.20: Coffee break, poster session and workgroup formation
14.50: Brainstorm sessions (Parallel workgroups)
– Discussions in small workgroups to form rough Project Outline ideas, consortia and workplan before the PO Days
– Discussions with Tekes and Vinnova on funding issues
16.20: Project Outline ideas presentations, All in plenum
17.00: Closure