Welcome to the 3rd TOCSYC Industry Day
It is now time for our 3rd TOCSYC Industry Day and we welcome you to Karlskrona on November 10th 2016! New this year is that we co-arrange with the Karlskrona Test Gathering #10 which gathers test interested software practitioners.
The TOCSYC research project contains four Swedish research partners with the objective to support and enable Swedish industry in performing cost-effective testing, particularly of non-functional properties such as performance and robustness. Each year the project holds an “Industry Day” to showcase ongoing research and to get feedback from local industry. The program for KTG #10 / 3rd TOCSYC Industry Day includes talks both on the latest research as well as core technologies such as mutation testing.
The program is a little longer than regular Karlskrona Test Gatherings, but the format is otherwise the same time: short, informative talks followed by time for questions and discussion. Right after the final discussions we go to a shared (and free!) lunch at the Sjörök restaurant next to the Dockside conference venue.
Practical information:
When: Thursday, 10 November, 08:00 – 12:00 followed by a free lunch at Sjörök 12:00 – 13:00
Where: Dockside, Handelshamnen, Karlskrona, http://karlskronastadsmarina.se/2015/01/20/ny-hemsida/dockside/
Registration: goo.gl/3zEW1a
Please register early to ensure you have a seat for the talks and free lunch (we have a maximum of 80 places for lunch).
08:00 Coffee
”Efficient integration testing of automotive systems”, Avenir Kobetski, Scania / SICS
”Mutation testing”, Birgitta Lindström, University of Skövde
”Full modification coverage through test case diversity”, Fransisco Gomes, Chalmers University
09:50 – 10:10 Coffee
”Performance testing”, Simon Poulding, BTH
“Cost-benefit analysis of using dependency knowledge at integration testing”, Sahar Tahvili et al., SICS
“Requirements quality assurance: what can we automate and is it worthwhile?”, Michael Unterkalmsteiner, BTH
“Automated system level regression test prioritization using multiple factors”, Per Strandberg, Westermo / Mälardalen University
For more details of upcoming Karlskrona Test Gathering events and about the TOCSYC research project, please see karlskronatestgathering.se and tocsyc.se respectively.
Hotel/Accommodation: The industry day will be at Dockside in the center of Karlskrona while the internal workshop is at BTH Campus (15 min walk from center). We thus propose you stay in the center at one of these hotels:
- Clarion Collection Hotel Karlskrona, nice hotel right next to Dockside
– https://www.nordicchoicehotels.com/clarion/clarion-collection-hotel-carlscrona/
- Hotel Conrad, less expensive but little less fancy, only 150m further away from Dockside
– http://www.hotellconrad.se/?lang=en
- Scandic Karlskrona, modern & somewhat less expensive & somewhat longer walk to Dockside
– https://www.scandichotels.com/hotels/sweden/karlskrona/scandic-karlskrona
Travel from Ronneby airport:
A coach service leaves approximately 10-15 minutes after each flight arriving from Stockholm Arlanda and takes about 40 minutes to Karlskrona: see https://www.swedavia.com/ronneby/to-from/bus/
– If you are going to BTH rather than the hotels and industry day venue in central Karlskrona, then you can get off at the “Bergåsa” stop (please check with the driver when you get on the coach) and then BTH is about a 10 minute walk away.
– For central Karlskrona, ask the coach driver which stop will be closest to your hotel.
– For the return journey by coach, check with your hotel (or with us) as to departure times and where the coach stops.
Or take the train to Karlskrona Centralstation and then it is just a 5 minute walk.