Last chance to submit presentations for STEW

Sunday April 1st is the last day to send in your presentation proposal for this year's software conference, Software Technology Exchange Workshop (STEW).

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to talk about your experience or research within the area of AI and ML or Open source in software development. You can find the full call for presentations here and register your presentation proposal here.

This year we are looking for presentations about how we can improve efficiency by 1) letting the computers do more of the software development, or 2) by developing software together across organizational boundaries? What can you present within the areas of AI and ML in software development or Open source in software development?

The purpose of STEW is to encourage and promote cooperation between different industry sectors, between academia/institutes and companies, and with the public sector.

Do you want to present?

Download the call for presentations here and register your presentation proposal here, no later than April 1st 2018.

Let us do it together
Open source
in software development

Open source software becomes part of more and more proprietary products and services. It may help by sharing the burden of evolution of commodity software, that is not competitive for any, but needed by all. However, working towards open software communities requires new skills and knowledge, both for developers and managers. What are the opportunities and challenges of working together in open source software development, and how can we make it better?

Let the machine do the job
AI and ML
in software development

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are hot topics in almost every domain. Also in software development the technologies can be used to assist developers to be more efficient, and for users to get software more tailored to their needs. In software, the methods come with different names, such as data-driven software development and continuous experimentation. How can we get the machines to do the jobs for us?

Practical information

Conference dates: Oct 17-18, 2018
Location: Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden

Presentation proposal deadline: April 1st, 2018
Submission of slides: October 8th, 2018

If you have any questions please contact:

The setup of the program is available at


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