A spring that did not end up like any other

It’s almost time for summer, but before that - what have Swedsoft done during this spring?

We already know that this spring did not end up like anyone had intended. But what did Swedsoft do during this spring and what are we planning for the fall?

Samling av mjukvarusverigeBefore Corona in Sweden we arranged this year’s Gathering of Software Sweden in Gothenburg. At the Gathering of Software Sweden, an annual workshop where we invite decision makers within Swedish software development and research, we focused on providing input to the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth and Swedish Higher Education Authority’s (UKÄ) government assignment on Digital Excellence. Based on the ideas from this day we had a working group putting together a report with input to the government assignment. During the spring, we also continued to provide input to the assignment, including by participating in an in-depth interview and a workshop.

During the spring, our work on the statistics on the importance of software in Swedish business has also continued. Unfortunately, this has suffered from some delays and we are now planning to release it after the summer. Within the same Vinnova-financed project there is also a platform for marketing courses aimed at professionals being developed. We have been involved in this platform as well and it will be launched after the summer.

We have continued our general impact work in areas such as competence and research and innovation. Among other things, members are invited to a meeting in August to provide input for an upcoming project.

Of course, in these times when we cannot meet, the networking and our activities around seminar are affected. The physical events have been reshaped and changed to a larger number of digital events. During a period, we conducted a webinar each week, to which all members were invited to submit suggestions on topics. All of these are now available on Swedsoft’s Youtube channel.

We continue to plan for an autumn when hopefully we can meet again. Next up is the conference Cyber ​​security in a complex world on September 1st, which we will be organizing together with Scania (sign up today!). This conference is planned as a hybrid conference where some people will be able to attend on site and some may participate remotely. As usual, we are also involved in the planning of Lindholmen Software Development Day, which will take place on October 8th in Gothenburg.

After the summer we will also release the program and registration for this year’s Swedsoft conference – Software Technology Exchange Workshop, STEW. The program, which is finished, contains many interesting speakers on the topic of Data for Software Development. STEW is a special conference in networking, few conferences contain so much interaction between speaker-audience and not least audience-audience. Each year, participants testify about new collaborations and discussions that have emerged from the conference. Therefore, we are currently planning for STEW to take place in Halmstad on November 18-19.

During the spring, we also welcomed new members; Raion AB, XIOS/3DEPOSIT AB, Svenska Elektro- och Dataingenjörers Riksförening, Debricked and T2 Data. At the request of members, we have also produced a list of free courses and seminars in software development. The idea with this list is to support you who may have been given more time for skills development or are just interested in learning something new. In addition, we have produced a page with recommended links around Covid-19.

Now we are looking forward to a relaxing summer and hope to meet you again soon. The Swedsoft office will be closed until August 6, but we check the mail sporadically.

We wish you all a nice summer!


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